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Spiritual Practice for Labor Day Retreat

With the divine blessings and inspiration of Swami, the SSSIO - USA IT Team launched the Sai100 Journal WebApp on Aradhana Day this year! This innovative tool is designed to help us journal our sadhanas (spiritual disciplines) and stay connected on our spiritual journey. As we approach the regional Labor Day retreat, we request each of you to take the first step, if not already done, and participate in at least one of the Spiritual Practices listed below. This will be our collective offering to our dear Lord during the retreat.

Sadhanas (Spiritual Disciplines) in the Sai100 Journal:

  • A Million Steps to Swami: Let's walk towards Swami together! Set a personal goal, such as walking one mile a day (while chanting Swami's name) until the retreat or Swami’s 99th birthday. Log your daily steps.
  • 100 Hours of Service: Contribute to the Sai100 goal by dedicating a set number of service hours each week. For instance, you might commit to one hour of service per week.
  • Tree Planting: Engage in Envirocare projects like reforestation, habitat restoration, or tree planting. Your efforts will nurture the environment and honor Swami’s teachings.

Ready to get started? Click this SAI100JOURNAL (appsheet.com) link to log in to the Sai100 Journal App from your device (mobile phone is preferred):

Need guidance? Check out the instructional video, or explore the user manual. If you have questions or need assistance with the app/journal, reach out to Brother Lakshman at lventrapragada@sathyasai.us or lakshmansssu@gmail.com.

Let’s unite in our Spiritual Practices and make this Labor Day Regional Retreat a special one with our collective efforts and offerings. Thank you for your participation and dedication!